Saturday, September 1, 2018

Day 30: Travel Quote of the Day

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

Day 30: It's Saturday and we usually gets up late (at least the boys does lol) but today is a different one. Everybody got up early and are all in a happy mood to just be out and do whatever. 

This 3 drove to the nearby donut shop and grab some "breakfast", I am the kind who never allows them to have this kind of meal in the morning as I believe breakfast is the foundation of a healthy/happy day BUT I do give in sometimes to have the boys enjoy what they want and just let them be (in Hubby's words - be cool! lol!) Well at least I get to enjoy my coffee without answering 10,000 questions haha.

Next stop, is The Woodlands Farmers market! I was told I can get Black Eyed Susan plant out there but the seller didn't find one so I end up getting this one (Mexican Flame Vine) Butterflies loves it and they have this pretty orange (fire /flame like flowers, hence the name, and they smell really good. I am not sure if they will grow in my yard so I decided to just get one and see how it goes. I can always try to see if I can regrow them so one should be good for now.

Then we head to one of our favorite spot of The Woodlands. It is tucked just close to the farmers market and they have plenty of fish, ducks and turtles in the lake. The kids have enjoyed playing and feeding the ducks. We will be getting some duck food so we can make sure we are giving them the correct one since bread is not the best one to give them.

I was telling my eldest that when I was little, I will always play this lottery kind of game were I can win a yellow duckling. I love having them as a kid coz they will follow me everywhere and they are just too cute to have.

It's amazing that simple things makes the whole family excited and happy. We don't even have to go far. We just drive our Velocifero Electric scooter (hubby attached our Ikea Sladda (read our review here for the Ikea Sladda and the Velocifero Electric Scooter) and just be together to enjoy a lovely day. 

The quote for the day is very relevant for our day today. “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller We get to experience and enjoy our day by being outdoor and see new things.

Thanks for being here!

Remember Life is Short... Explore. Dream. Discover.

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