Thursday, August 23, 2018

Day 22: Diary of this crazy mom! Mornings are the craziest time of my day as a mother. How are you managing your day?

Nobody told me that being a mom requires more than you can really give or do. There are times that I wonder if I am even fit being one. Don't get me wrong I love my kids but there are days that I am just overwhelmed on the things I need to do to keep up with them.

Just like today, I got up at 5:30 and rushing to start early so my 4th grader will have a good breakfast and lunch at school. There are days that I think it is a cursed that I always cook hot meal for my kids and didn't train them to just eat cold sandwiches coz now he won't eat cold lunch in school so i have to ALWAYS cook something for him in the morning. He hates school cafeteria food so that is already out of our choice (can't blame him though coz I see them food and I dont like it either).

Today I made him chicken quesadilla for lunch. I marinated the chicken last night (check out my recipe of Grilled PiriPiri chicken) and made the fresh flour tortilla as soon as I woke up. Photo above is the exact meal he will eat at lunch. I packed some salsa too and hope that he will finish them all. I am cramming all morning to make sure he will be in time at school. Since we walked to school (5min walk) I have to make sure that he have plenty of time to walk and chat as we go to school. Well this did not happen this morning coz my 3yo son didn't make it easy for all of us. Yes, this is one of those days that I am ready to pull my hair to pieces. I don't even get a chance to brush my hair and I hope who ever is judging me as I walked him in school realize that we are having a hard morning lol.

I paused for awhile and think how much my son will enjoy his lunch, he often tells me how much he loves his food and will always try his best to finish it. I am so proud of him coz he is not like other kids that I see to school who just throw their food and make their parents/guardian think that they ate them all. He won't even eat dessert if he don't finish his main dish.

I think someday I will miss all this, for now - no matter how hard it may seem, I will just take it a day and appreciate that I get to do this for them and watch them grow before my eyes.

Anyway, enough venting! Time for this momma to work on our carpet and make sure they are all ripped off before this weekend comes (mind you I have to remove all the junk and the stuff inside our room just thinking about it makes my back aches already lol)

Hope your day is better than mine and if yours sounds like mine or even worst - just think somewhere out there someone is thinking and rooting for you that TODAY will PASS too!!!

Remember Life is Short... Explore. Dream/. Discover.

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