Friday, August 24, 2018

Day 23: Taking one small task at a time. How minimalistic mind set is helping us focus on what we really NEED vs want.

It's Day 23 and today I am Taking one small task at a time. We have been discussing How minimalistic mind set is helping us focus on what we really NEED vs want.

After so many talks and planning we are still back to not knowing what we wanted when it comes to RV lifestyle so for now I am focusing on cleaning up our house and ditching stuff that we really don't need but we are hanging to.
I decided to start on small task a day, less frustration and less stress on my part. Lately, I am hating making this big list on what I need to accomplish and then something will come up and I can't do even one. It is heart breaking and making me feel so depressed. Taking small steps/task at a time makes me realize and think through in each process.

Today, I got up early and clean up our Fridge. I didn't realize how much junk food we have in there and food that we thought we will eat BUT we DON'T and there they are making our fridge so yucky every time we open them. You won't believe how much I threw. All the money & fridge space that we wasted. Makes me feel sick to my tummy that I let that happen. I told myself and the family that if we are going to live in RV we have to just bring what we NEED there will be no wants other than the adventures that are waiting in our horizon. 

I labeled every container so I don't need to get "interrogated" each time they want something lol and I make sure the food that they always wanted are on top and easy to find. I got my FREE containers at Kroger. They have this perfectly square ones that I can use permanent markers and they stacked really good too. You can always ask the deli/bakery section of your favorite store to give you their unwanted containers and buckets. I got FREE buckets from them too that we used for fishing, storing toys and so much more. They are very helpful when it comes to organizing with little or no money involved just your time to ask those containers and cleaning them up.

Planning to clean the closet today when I get a chance, need to pick up hubby at the airport so that might not happen knowing he was out all week and we are excited to spend time with him. I am hoping to ditch 75% of our stuff and donate the rest.
We don't really need this much "material" stuff and just want to focus on what we need and enjoy life. 
The less clutter out there - the less cleaning and frustration it will be on our part.
I want to teach my kids the importance of being minimalist and just keeping the ones that is NEEDED instead of always wanting something else. 
Being an example is going to be a huge help on making them realize this goal and I am taking one small steps at a time.

Keep following our journey and thank you for being here.

Remember Life is Short. Explore. Dream. Discover.

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