Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Day 18: 1st Day of School. How I explain to my son the importance of savings & all the why's

Day 18: I know I am supposed (I promised myself that I will keep up on my blog at daily basis but with all the crazy stuff going on in our life I cant hardly find time to relax and breath without stressing myself out).

1st day of school! Whew! Our summer flew by so quick I can't even remember a real "vacation" mode other than that 2 days that we are really out in the nature. I feel cheated coz last year we did enjoy our whole summer and get to experience a lot of new stuff. This summer, we did experience a lot of stuff but in a very stressful and hurtful ways. Anyway, nuf of my rantings and just take a moment and just enjoy this moment reminiscing my 1st born growing up in just a blink.

I know he doesn't like going to school and would rather be home-schooled BUT I am hoping his teachers and friends will make this school year one of a kind. I told him who knows maybe next year we can make his wish come true but for now this is what we have to do.

New school year, usually he will ask me to buy him NEW on everything but I think he is understanding now our "situation" and just accept what we have/gave him. I got him a new bag that I won from twitter (last year he have this not-so-great bag that I also won but it is so cheaply made that it is broken a week before 3rd grade ends). The only thing that we bought was his school supplies (that I order through his school website coz I hate going through his list and making my way to a crowd store - this way he get exactly what the school ask him to have) new pair of undies and socks. That's it! 

Part of me is really proud and happy that he is changing his views on material stuff or what people will think or say. I told him what really matters is the people who surrounds you and loves you unconditionally. I told him, life is not about who have the most new stuff or who doesn't! Be grateful for what you have and make it work! He goes to school to study and enrich his life - hopefully to help him someday have a stable life. I know he is only 9 BUT the sooner he learns what "reality" is... the better is his understanding and be able to make wise decision about it.

I think all that happened this summer is a life long lesson we all learned as a family. It may be a bad/depressing one BUT we just need to see/look on the positive that it brings in our lives and I think it is working base on how mature he accepts all our talking. Beside, the more we watch what we spend - the closer we get to our goal of living in an adventure full time someday!

Thanks for being here! Sorry I am a train wreck right now, so much to digest and can't wait for it to be over soon and get back to our normal life.

Remember Life is Short... Explore. Dream. Discover.

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