Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Day 7: An hour a day keeps the whiners away 😜

Day 7: An hour a day keeps the whiners away 😜

This is basically what my days looks like whether we are home, traveling or on vacation. My two kids are completely opposite when it comes to their personality. My eldest will be so happy just staying home, not bothered and quiet WHILE my little one is a a very active one. Everyday I will hear him say "let's go hiking or biking or play outside" There's nothing more important than doing something outside so as a mom who values one's opinion I am obligated to go out at least an hour to make sure he experience something new. I think it also helps his brother to enjoy outdoors and spend time with him without them fighting every 5 minutes. I always thought that the age difference (5 years apart) will be a huge plus factor of them not fighting or arguing BUT that is not the case. I will always hear them fight/argue about something so silly and sometimes it gets on my nerves and I end up bringing them for a walk or something else that will make their relationship so much better.

I honestly think that living in RV will help them get closer more, I remember every time we go out even for an hour, or go for hiking and or camping - they are like best friends who never fights. That is one reason why I want them to experience this while they are young and build the relationship like I have with my sister. I want them to depend on each other and love each other and be there. We are not rich and if there is one treasure I want them to keep for the rest of their lives is a great relationship as brothers and friends.

As a mom, I look at this two and wonder where are all the times gone. My eldest told us a few days ago while we are riding our bikes that he will be a teenager soon and I can't help but got teary eyes knowing I cannot stop that fact. All I can do is give him as much of my time as possible and make him remember all the great memories we create together. 

Nobody can prepare you with all the ups and downs of motherhood, sometimes I questioned my abilities and if I am the mom my kids hope to have. I am grateful that my husband is always there for me and that my kids always reminded me how much they love me & that in their eyes I am the best & the perfect mom in the world.

We can't wait for our next journey. I know I will be spending not just an hour with them enjoying outdoors BUT I am not complaining.

Thanks for being here!

Remember Life is Short... Explore. Dream. Discover

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