Saturday, July 21, 2018

Day 5: How to keep kids entertained, learning and stay curious while on the road.

Day 5: How to keep kids entertained, learning and stay curious while on the road. This one for us is the easiest one coz we tend to find lots of ways to keep them going no matter what it is. I think the beauty of being on the road is that the opportunities are endless - it is just a matter of making sure you take time and let them be.

Having your kids pick and be part of the process is extremely important, besides, they are the ones who needed it the most. I always let my eldest google/search what are the things to do on that specific area/state and decide from that. If our time permits, they get to enjoy more than what they ask for and that makes it more fun. I also realized that sometimes, the stuff or place they think they won’t like ends up a one of a kind experience so it’s good to throw a place or two to get an unexpected experience for them. It also makes them learn what adjustment mean and grow from it.

Today, we get to enjoy NASA. My eldest sure enjoys it and wish we get to spend more time to be there. Unfortunately, my 2nd one prefers the outdoors and less crowd (can’t blame though, I love science but it gives me headaches when there’s so much loud people lol). We get to enjoy it for a couple of hours until my little one starts whining haha. I told him next time he gets to pick our next adventure - that seems to help and make him feel important.

Long day indeed, their laughters and togetherness sure makes it worthwhile ❤️

Thanks for being here.

Remember Life is short... Explore. Dream. Discover

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