Saturday, November 30, 2019

Beginner's GUIDE How to Create Youtube Channel. Step by Step Guide for Dummies Youtube Channel

After watching youtube videos, you feel like you can do the same. How awesome will it be to earn and be famous doing things you love to do anyway. So you decided to create your own Youtube Channel BUT don't know where to start and wonder if it's really for you. You are in luck because this POST is dedicated for you.

Before we go to further details. This is something you have to ask yourself. DO YOU HAVE TIME?
Being a Youtuber requires a LOT of this in the BEGINNING of your journey. Not only the time to post but also the time to be patient and wait for your channel to grow and be recognize.

There are so many Youtubers. So many Youtube Channels that offers the same stuff. So you ask yourself if you can compete, and the answer is YES.
11 Months ago, I decided that my New Year's resolution is to create and focus on our Youtube Channel. I don't have a job but i have ideas and I have little time. I hardly have views nor subscribers for so many days, weeks and months. I then started to question myself and wonder if this is going to workout. I decided that i am going to make it Work no matter what. I ignore the fact that no one is watching i JUST KEEP POSTING on my YOUTUBE channel. and one day i woke up and i got views, I earn subscribers.
11 months ago we have NO SUBSCRIBERS but now we have 3353 SUBSCRIBERS (as of this writing).
So if you have the guts and the patience then CONTINUE reading this post coz i think you too can make it WORK and become a YOUTUBER.


  • Pick a name that suits the channel you want to create. This will be base on the kind of channel you want to have. If you cant decide, make sure you don't pick a name that will be center on one aspect only. For example you want to be a gaming channel at the moment you like to play Roblox. You dont want your channel exclusively for Roblox only because there will come a time that you will want to play some other games so it is best to pick name that sounds very exclusive to just one Genre.
  • In our case, we started to have a travel channel, then lego, then kids reviewing stuff, then unboxing then now Gaming. Our channel name is 2KIDSINAPOD this doesnt sound anything exclusive to just one Genre so that makes me happy knowing we can change and grow our channel over time.
  • - make sure nobody have the same name, be as creative as possible. It's nice to make a channel name that is short, easy to remember and easy to type.
  • Now that you decided the name for your channel create your google account that have your channel's name (ie TWOKIDSINAPOD@GMAIL.COM)
  • Create one here
  • Create one here
  • Base on where you live the monetization will be different. Here in US you will need 4000 Watch Hours + 1000 Subscribers.
  • MONETIZATION is the ability of your channel to earn from ADS place in your channel. Understand more about Monetization here. Read about Youtube Monetization Policies Here.
  • Don't worry if you don't have your very own website. When I started I used Google's FREE Website maker BLOGGER. 
  • Create one here
  • Why is it important to create a website? A website is another marketing tool. If you want to survive and gain your place on search engine, it is important that you have one. It is also an important factor when you create your own GOOGLE ADSENSE ACCOUNT. Google Adsense is where you will get paid once your channel start earning money. The Problem is you need to be active user for at least 3 months before you can apply one so make sure you post to your channel and to your website/blog as often as you can. 
  • Reason why this is very important - if you are a verified account it is so much quicker to get approve on YOUTUBE MONETIZATION once you reach the required numbers (again this is different in each country. When I reached my numbers it took less than one week for me to get approved. SOME people have different experience. I read some waited more than a year and some are a few months. Not sure why mine is very fast but i believe that setting my Adsense account for months have helped.
  • Create one here
  • Adsense is where you will get paid, where you will get links for your ads (if you want to take advantage and use Ad links to your Website and or Blog. You will need personal Information together with bank account and other information pertaining to your Tax (not sure about other countries but make sure you follow the steps when you apply as honest as possible. This are all LEGAL stuff so you want to make sure you are doing it correctly and honestly.
  • Understand Adsense more here
6. CREATE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS (optional but read below why it's important)
  • This is very important coz this will help you market your Youtube Channel. Without this, your channel will just be lost in so many pools of channel out there. Like I said in the beginning, Youtube Channel Requires TIME and PATIENCE.
  • I created different Social Media accounts and I post my Youtube Channel Post Link as soon as I post one. This definitely help me get views - NOT MUCH but any views help in the beginning of your channel.
  • Here are the common Social Media I joined Twitter - Facebook - Facebook Page - Instagram - Pinterest - Reddit
Now that you are done with the important stuff to start your Youtube Channel, It is now time to start posting your content/Video. If you have never tried this Don't worry. I started with nothing other than the old iPad I already have. If you have a phone and or a tablet or a computer then you are Good to go. BUT before you start your very first video and or content Make sure you download this APPS first.


         (If you can't click link below All you have to do is open Your App Store, search YOUTUBE and download install the app)
  • If you are an IOS user (iphone and iPad User then you are in Luck coz all I used to edit my video is iMOVIE this is already pre-installed to your gadget so you don't have to do anything other than click edit to your video and it will go directly there. 
  • For Android users. The one I see most used is called KINEMASTER i have not use this so I don't know how it works. As far as I am told it is also an easy to understand app so just follow the step by step tutorial of the App. When I doubt search on youtube on how to use it. Download it here
  • If you are not happy with both Apps that i Suggested all you have to do is search Movie Video Editor in your App Store and pick the one that will work best for you.
SCREEN RECORDING APP (this is best if you do Gaming Video on your phone or tablet because you will want to capture your screen as you Play the game you want to showcase in your channel. Again I don't hardly edit my video so I just Screen record it and post after that.
  • IOS Users - Just drop down your screen and you will have an option for Photos to screen Record it (watch this quick tutorial on how to capture screen record - screen recording) What ever you record will save to your Photos and all you have to do is find it there to upload to your youtube channel.
  • Sometimes IOS screen recording are having issues so what I did was download this app RECORD IT  Please note that the free version only allows you to capture 10 minutes of your screen. If you want to get unlimited minutes you have to buy the Pro Version and it cost US$3.99
  • ANDROID users there are so many available that I have not tested. this is what i found when i type SCREEN RECORDING The one that stands the most is this one Again, you are more than encourage to test the one that will suit your needs and the one that you find is more user friendly.
  • This is the tricky part. There are thousands of Videos being uploaded to Youtube every hour so you want your video to stand out. Create a video you will be proud of Even though no one is watching. If you love to cook - Cook your heart out! If you Love to Travel - showcase the place! Tell them why you love that place. why you hate it. Make a video that you as a viewer will be interested.
  • Do you sound and or look boring? Maybe so! PLEASE CHANGE! Most viewers and or listeners don't want to watch or listen to someone who sounds forced to do it. Give it a life!
  • Make a video you are passionate about. At the end of the day! You want to create something that others feel, see and hear YOU! This attracts more viewers. Honestly at the beginning its hard to know if others like what you are doing. Just keep doing it and Listen to your viewers. They will be brutal at times but its ok. It's for your own good. DONT Let negative comments let you down.
  • BE UNIQUE! BE YOU! Nothing makes a channel stand out seeing or hearing a unique Content creator. You don't have to go nuts about it BUT be the person who you are happy to see not only in video but in real life.
Now it's time for you to post your Video. But before you post it. Please think of this few pointers that I feel have helped me a lot to get my channel out there. Again, I am NOT a PRO! Everything here is based on my experienced and I am just sharing you guys How I did it in less than A year.
Things to consider before you upload and make it public
  • think of a Catchy Title! This is extremely important! Most new Youtubers failed big time just because their Title is not Catchy enough. I know some even uses Click Bait to make their video stands out and be suggested. I highly suggest to see how other famous youtubers title their video. This will give you an idea what is catchy and what gets youtube suggest your channel. So take advantage of it!
  • Add Description! This is very important too! Title is only limited to 100 Characters (Spaces Included) so you cant really add all the important words that will be necessary for Youtube Searchers or Web Search Engine. The More detailed you put on the description the better it is for your video to get hits and to be suggested not only by Youtube but also by Search Engines.
  • Add TAGS! Most Youtubers don't think of tags as an important factor of your Youtube Channel. Tags also helps to make your channel stand out with the rest. Think of it as your hidden Marketing Tool that you needed to make sure that search engine suggest your channel. I usually add the words that I know my viewers use and or what is trending in Youtube. If you don't know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is, this is one of the helper to make your Channel (or Website or Blog) be more available to everyone.
  • Post as Often as You Can! I know it may sound very daunting and too much work BUT this is important to keep your viewers keep coming back to you. This is very crucial as a new YOUTUBE Channel. You want them to continue checking you out. I picked the Gaming coz I get to play and I can post a few a day! If you can't Post a day. Post at least once a week or a few times a week. Don't let the week pass by without a post from you. The less you post the less Youtube suggest your channel and the less your viewers remembers you.
  • Interact with your Viewers! Whether they leave good or bad comments PLEASE be kind and thank them! An interaction helps your Youtube Channel grows and be on Youtube Algorithm. So Keep up the LIKES, DISLIKES and COMMENTS coming! They all help! Plus the more you interact the more you understand them and you can grow based on their suggestions too.
  • SHARE IT! Remember I asked you to download all the social media there is! This is because you will need it for your channel to grow and be out there. Remember you are selling your Channel. and Social Media post is your FREE Marketing tool for them to see what you have.It is also good to see other's post. Like, Comment and Just interact with others too. The more you do this things the more you are doing your channel a favor. Some Even Ask for SUB FOR SUB specially for new small youtubers. This is a good way to get to know others and for them to get to know you too. They may not watch your video BUT the more subscribers you have the more YOUTUBE suggest your channel and videos to their site SO take advantage of it.
  • ASK FOR SUPPORT! This is struggle so much for ME because most of the friends and family I know and ask for help turn me down. I wish you dont have the same experience and that they will help you with your journey. Don't be shy to ask for help and support. If they turn you down, it's ok don't hold grudge! Just use that experience to keep yourself stronger and more determined for your Channel to grow. I think part of me succeeded because I want to prove something to those who told me how stupid and crazy my idea was.
  • BE PATIENT! This is very hard! Like I said. My channel have no views nor subscribers for weeks and months. DONT GIVE UP! MAKE IT WORK! Dont compare yourself with other channel. You do you and be happy with it! That's why it is important to pick the genre you wanted and is passionate about because at the end of the day... even if there is NOBODY watches your video or notices your channel YOU HAD FUN and learned something!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me here OR on our 2KidsInApod Channel I will try my best to answer and help.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope I get to help you somehow.